Tag Archives: East Surreys

In No Man’s Land

‘Tonight I crawled out onto No Man’s Land,’ he told Pips, ‘and had a look at our wire entanglements – nothing can be more illustrative of present warfare. No Man’s Land…is a mass of shapeless shell-holes – in one is a battered steel helmet, in another a broken rifle and everywhere crumpled up wire entanglements in which you get wound up and fall over and expect a sniper to hear you…I went out with a corporal to see how thick the wire was, but I spent most of the time wondering if anyone was going to see us.’

A photo of No Man's Land, taken from Memories of Active Service, facing page 141. By Permission of the Surrey History Centre.

A photo of No Man’s Land, taken from Memories of Active Service, facing page 141. By Permission of the Surrey History Centre.

He had been telling Pips about the routine of a nighttime tour of duty, and how it was his job to make sure none of the sentries were dozing – although this was unlikely, since his presence was usually announced by  ‘an army of rats which have been routed out by the noise,[which] run along in front of you trying to find holes to get in.’ The sentries were often nervy, and  the officers got nervy too, although they had to try not to show it.

The importance of looking calm for the men was something he emphasised to his mother as well: ‘through all the little tragedies that happen each day in men being killed and wounded you have to try and show to the men that you are taking it all calmly and you must be so careful not to show any weakness.’ He told her that he did not fear death –  ‘it is only a natural thing and everything natural is good [a philosophy he undoubtedly picked up from reading Marcus Aurelius] – but that what he hated was ‘the suspense of waiting for these shells [the ‘Minnies’] to come and when they are up in the air the excitement of running along to judge their fall takes away fear for the minute – it is after the explosion that you feel cold and frightened all over – and then is the time you have got to smile to reassure the men.’ He told Pips about them, too, noting that he spent his daytime tours of duty scanning the horizon: ‘Can you imagine what it is like to stand in a narrow trench and watch great things 2 feet long and about a foot round shoot up in the air, looking like a little piece of pencil the height is so great to which it goes – it then turns and shoots down towards earth whilst we all run along in different directions and screw up into a corner and wait for the bang and then  a shower of dirt about 5 seconds after. It is just like judging a high skyer in a cricket match except that you have to get as far from it as possible instead of under it.’

There had been a lot of them that very morning, and one of his men had been killed. He barely mentioned it to Pips (and only tangentially to his mother), but his later memoir shows that he was deeply affected by it. Maybe that lay behind his suggest to Pips that they should not seek to annoy the Germans by shelling: ‘the Germans are usually content to be left alone if we do not annoy them – but I suppose we have to show we are their enemies, though goodness knows none of us want to fight them and I am sure they don’t want to fight us.’

[Next letter: 15 October]


After ending a 2 3/4 hour duty at midday, Sherriff settled into his dugout to  write two more letters home. He could hear the German shells falling above him, but was confident that their dugout, tunnelled into the chalk hillside, could withstand the enemy ‘strafe’. And besides, their ammunition stores must be limited, since ‘we seldom get more than 10-20 shells a day’.  [The Battalion diary confirms that the Germans had sent over about 20 trench mortars, but the British replied ‘very vigorously…and speedily silenced him.’]

His dugout was a room in a long gallery of deeply dug burrows, with rooms communicating by long low passages with beams across (‘to knock our heads against’). He and two others slept in the long dugout where they all messed, while the other officers slept in a room nearby. Each room had a stairway leading out, ‘down which you hear men tobogganing when a German shell comes near.’

From Memories of Active Service, Vol 1, facing page 98; with permission of the Surrey History Centre)

From Memories of Active Service, Vol 1, facing page 98; with permission of the Surrey History Centre)

His servant had obtained an old wire reel to act as a table, and provided him with a ‘pail of muddy water out of a shell hole to wash in’. They had a gramophone which, although he did not care for them as a rule, helped the time to pass.

His next spell of duty would be from 8:30 till 10:30 in the evening, and he told his father that, while a total of 6 3/4 hours a day might not seem much, it was ‘quite sufficient, as it is very arduous work going round seeing that the sentries are alert and usually catching them dozing, and besides this you must be perpetually on the alert for shells and grenades, and you must be ready to run along and dodge them’.

He told his mother that he was fine bodily, but that ‘mentally I feel rather tired and worried.’ He had been tremendously cheered, though, by the arrival of some letters from home (including from his brother, Bundy), and a package from his mother containing ‘my favourite chocolate, my favourite ginger cakes…those cigarettes, a packet of peppermints and, in short, everything I could have wished for’. He had shared the ginger cakes at Mess the previous evening, but he was keeping the chocolate for himself.

He apologised to his mother, for not having sent her birthday wishes in time for her to receive the letter on the 14th (her 45th birthday) – but he was sending her a cheque with which to buy herself a nice ring, and ‘a little scarlet pimpernel which I found calmly growing on the side of a communication trench near the front line’  It was a flower he had picked when returning from his night in the line with Captain Penrose, and, four years later, would find a place in his Memories of Active Service.

[Next letters: 14 October]

First tour in the line

He wrote home to both his parents today, letting them know that he had now started his first tour of duty in the front line. He told his mother that they had arrived the previous morning (Tuesday), and that he had been detailed to bring up the last platoon with their cookers  – not an easy job since the cookers were bulky and filled with wood,, and not easy to carry along narrow trenches. He was unhappy that his Company had been landed with a rather bad piece of trench, perhaps because their Captain was the senior of the Company Commanders. Here is his sketch, showing how close they were to the Germans – especially in the sap at one end, and the crater posts at the other.

Sherriff's sketch of the trenches on Vimy Ridge (Memories of Active Service, Vol 1, facing p99; by permission of the Surrey History Centre)

Sherriff’s sketch of the trenches on Vimy Ridge (Memories of Active Service, Vol 1, facing p99; by permission of the Surrey History Centre)

He was writing at 3:00pm, having just finished a 2 3/4 hour duty, when ‘everything was rather quiet, after a noisy morning’. He explained to his parents the duties he would have: roughly 2 hours by day, 3 hours by night, and two additional hours at ‘Stand-to’, [which took place twice a day, roughly at dawn and dusk, when every man in the battalion would take his place in the trench for an hour, in case of attack: the Germans did the same, so for two hours every day there were two lines of men, stretching from the Channel to the Alps, gazing across No Man’s Land at each other.]

He found the duty arduous, watching, as he did, for the appearance of Minnies, which the Germans sent over regularly, causing damage to the British lines, and meaning ‘constant working parties, busy all day.’ But he tried to be stoic about it: ‘it is very hard to get used to these things, but the time has got to pass.’ And besides, he now, at last, had the comfort of letters from home (some of which had previously gone astray), and a ‘good, deep, dugout’ in which to read them. He also had Marcus Aurelius and Old Mortality to cheer him up, so he was not yet hopelessly fed-up. In fact, as hen told his father, he didn’t think he would reach that stage anywhere, as ‘I possess a certain amount of Philosophy which I can always apply when necessary.’

He was still looking forward to the end of his 8 day stretch, and to returning to that village behind the lines where he could once again ‘walk along an open road, and across open fields.’ In the meantime, he would content himself with looking up at the same moon and stars as his father would see when taking his own walks in Bushy Park: ‘it’s strange, isn’t it – but there is something friendly even about that thought.’

[Next letters: 12 October]

A night in the front line

Just one letter again today – to his mother, recounting the adventure he had just had visiting the front line.

His Company Commander, Captain Hilton, had decided it would be a good idea for him to spend some hours in the same stretch of trench that they would shortly be taking over. When he got there he found that no arrangements had been made for him to stay, so he returned to the Reserve trench, only to be sent straight back up again, because his Commanding Officer insisted on each new officer spending the night in the trenches. So off he went, on his own – a twenty minute walk back up, but

‘when I heard the banging going on in front…I felt just like what it is to go to the dentist; I knew I had got to go up but my courage very nearly failed although I knew I could not go back.’

He arrived at dusk, and rested for a few hours before accompanying the Captain on his rounds of the trench at 11:00pm. At one point the trench was just 30 yards from the German line, which ‘set my heart beating rather quickly’, but when they climbed on to the parapet to inspect the wire he found himself to be curiously calm. He didn’t mention the Captain’s name or Regiment to his mother, but we know from his Memories of Active Service that he was Captain Penrose, of The Queens Royal West Surrey Regiment, and ‘elegant, courtly young man’ who would be killed by a shell just a few months later.

Minnies (from Sherriff's War Diary). By permission of the Surrey History Centre

Minnies (from Sherriff’s War Diary). By permission of the Surrey History Centre

Next morning, in a further tour of the trench, he had to be careful to avoid the Minnies, which everyone can see rise high into the air, before watching closely to see where they might land, and taking appropriate evasive action. They were new to him, he told his mother, ‘and when one goes up my heart goes pit-a-pat’. Nevertheless, he was resigned to putting up with it, and controlling his fear, as best he could – and it was a ‘lovely relief, when your tour of duty is over, to go down the steps into the safe dugout which nothing can injure, and have a quiet sleep and a cup of tea.’

The move up to the front line was coming soon, he knew, and he promised to try to write during the 8 days he expected to be there: but he was already looking forward to the 8 days afterwards, ‘when you have freedom to walk along roads in the open air again.’

[Next letter: 11 October]

Days are only names here

Just one letter home, to his mother, today, which was Saturday, although ‘days are only names here, and all goes on just the same on Sunday as any other day.’

It was fine and sunny, and so quiet that it was difficult to believe there was a war on. He was reasonably content, time was passing quickly, and he was engaging himself with reading and writing. He also enjoyed the company in the Mess, ‘although I am never a good hand at talking until I know my companions well.’

He tried to reassure her that she had no need to worry about him – he was being careful – but, if anything should happen, they were both well prepared: her to receive the bad news, and him to receive ‘anything that may happen to me.’ But they should not dwell on such things, and focus instead on how lovely peace would be when it came. Even going to the office would be enjoyment for him [which was really saying something, since he had not enjoyed the 15 months that he had spent working for Sun Insurance], although his aim was to save up enough money to buy a poultry farm, and maybe keep a few pigs as well (‘as they pay so’).

He had not yet received any letters from home, but hoped he might do so in the next day or two. He was worried that he had written so many letters home that his mother might begin to weary of reading them, but he cautioned that ‘soon I may not get the opportunity of writing every day.’ They had already been in Reserve for five days: he knew that they were unlikely to be there for very much longer.

[Next letter: 9 October]

Frightened by ‘Minnies’

Two more letters today, the one week anniversary of his arrival in France.

He told both Pips and his mother about his experience the day before, taking a working party up to within 100 yards of the front line, to work on a damaged communications trench – ‘horribly dirty work in about 9 inches of sticky liquid clay’ – but his men had stayed cheery nonetheless. He was less happy, however, especially when the Germans sent over some trench mortar shells (‘Minenwerfer’, or ‘Minnies’), ‘some of which fell close enough to frighten me’. Later, when they were heading back to base, a shell came down about 50 yards ahead of them – the first time he had actually seen a shell burst on the ground. The most difficult part, he found, was the whistling sound made by the shell as it came nearer and nearer, never knowing where it might land.

By Permission of the Surrey History Centre. Ref: 2332/1/1/2/87

By Permission of the Surrey History Centre. Ref: 2332/1/1/2/87


He told his father the pattern of his day while in Reserve: up at 7:00; breakfast at 8:30; then censoring letters, followed by platoon inspection. Thereafter he was largely free for the day, unless he was taking out a working party, or had odd little jobs to do (such as taking a message to neighbouring Regiments). When he was free of work he would write letters or read – Marcus Aurelius and Walter Scott’s Old Mortality at that point, but he would be happy if someone would send him something by Carlyle (Past & Present, perhaps, or Sartor Resartus). After lunch, he would take a nap or read some more until tea at 4:30, and then chat with the other officers in the Mess until 7:00. Thereafter, more reading, followed by dinner at 8:00. Still, though, he felt sometimes that he might prefer to be in the ranks, since their hardships were merely physical, not mental like an officer’s.

The shelling was not especially heavy, and was mainly from the British side, although the Germans tended to respond with their Minnies and grenades. He was sure the British held the upper hand, though – for the Germans (‘or “Fritz” as the soldiers call them’) replied very feebly to the British bombardments. He did not feel at all ‘fed up’: ‘I simply feel we have all been set a task which has got to be carried through and which will probably be very unpleasant – but it has got to end like everything else.’ He consoled himself with algebra: if 6 shells went over, there would only be x-6 left to the end of the war; so when x shells had been fired the war would end. This is how he cheered himself up when shell after shell whistled overhead. But, as he told his mother, he still looked forward to ‘the glorious time when the beastly war is over, and we have our farm at Oxshott or elsewhere, as we certainly will, if we possibly can.’

He never did buy the farm in Oxshott, but the proceeds from Journey’s End enabled him to buy a house with a splendid garden in Esher (‘Rosebriars’), and, later, a farm in Dorset, in a beautiful location, high on the cliffs at Eype, overlooking the sea.

[Next letter: 7 October]

Off to the Line

His first train journey out of Boulogne had taken him to St Pol, and the evening train on 30 September took him on to Bruay. He took his place in the compartment that evening alongside two other 2nd Lieutenants from the East Surreys – Percy High (a schoolteacher in his late 30s, who would become a great friend in the coming months) and Louis Abrams (‘Abey’). As the train approached its destination, as close to the Front as he had yet been, he could see the green Very lights glowing over No Man’s Land, and hear the occasional boom of the big guns.

They stayed that night at Bruay, and next morning moved on to join the 9th East Surreys in Estrée-Cauchy (or ‘Extra-Cushy’ as it was known, since this was where the battalion was sent for rest). They arrived on the morning of Sunday 1 October 1916: Percy was sent to ‘D’ Company, Abey to ‘B’ Company, and Sherriff to ‘C’ Company, which he would come to love almost as a surrogate family. But there was no time to rest or write letters, for the battalion was preparing to move into the reserve line the following day.

From Memories of Active Service, Vol 1, facing page 53.

From Memories of Active Service, Vol 1, facing page 53.

Once they had made their way to their lines on Vimy Ridge he was finally able to update his mother and his father on his progress. He told his father that they had marched in full pack all the way there, although their valises had been brought up by the transport. On the march up he had been attached to the machine gun section, and carried drums of cartridges ‘up endless trenches for about an hour’. Their line was about 1,000 yards from the firing line, and he was sleeping in a corrugated iron shed with three others – there was no furniture, but ‘ a floor to sleep on, which is quite good enough for me.’ He was finding the rain ‘rather trying’ because of the mud it created, but he was happy with his books, and the food in the mess: some sweets and chocolates from home would be appreciated, however.

He told his mother that he expected to be in reserve for eight days, then up in the line for the same amount of time. He reassured her that he was quite contented, because he ‘had made up my mind to do everything I was told like an intelligent (if possible) machine, and to look upon everything that happens as a matter of course’. He was comforted by the thought that she was always thinking of him, and he said goodnight to her every night when he went to bed. And she was not to worry – he would try to be ‘as careful as possible’.

[Next letters: 4 October]

I should like to write a book…

By the end of the previous day his movement orders had come through: he now knew that he was being sent to join the 9th East Surreys – and he was leaving the very next morning.

Movement Orders

He wrote to his mother during his journey – while lying in a field enjoying the beautiful weather. They had spent a couple of hours on the train that morning, alighting at midday. And, since the next part of the journey wasn’t due to begin until 7:00 that evening, there was nothing much to do but lounge around and enjoy the sunshine. He coiuldn’t tell his mum where he was, nor where he was going, but he did tell her that he had seen much on his way to interest him. ‘I should like to write a book about it one day, if I can’, he wrote.

[Next letters: 2 October]

The base at Étaples

Sherriff wrote to his father (whom he called ‘Pips’) from the base camp, where he had arrived at 9 o’clock the previous evening. He could not tell him (‘for reasons of censorship’) where the camp was, but we know from his later diary (Memories of Active Service) that he was in the camp at Étaples (or ‘Eat-apples’ as the Tommies called it). He told Pips about his journey the previous day, and about the tented accommodation in camp – with three to a tent they were fairly comfortable, and although washing and dressing were cramped, he was contented that he had all of his luggage and enough blankets.

He said very little about the camp in his letter, but he had a lot to say in his diary, describing a vast camp, with lines and lines of huts, glistening in the rain, cookhouses sending columns of smoke into the air, hospitals, recreation rooms, YMCA huts and many open squares for drilling.

Alomst everything he had encountered in the past day or so was in English – so much so that it was hard to believe he was in France. He took the chance at the camp to buy a good pair of trench boots (boasting to his dad that he had paid jus t£1-16s-9d, compared with £4-0-0 in London), but he also made sure to change some of his English money, to use in the French villages and towns later.

He had no idea when he would be moving on, nor where: all he knew was that he was due to report at 2 o’clock that afternoon, ‘so that will mean we have some work to do.’ But at least he had been spared the morning drill for those who hadn’t yet been to the front (‘to keep our minds occupied’), although that was in store the next morning if his orders to move hadn’t come through by then.

[Next letter: 30 September]

I can hardly believe I am in France

At 9:30 on the morning of Thursday 28 September, Sherriff and his mother sat together in the Charing Cross station buffet drinking coffee. They had travelled up together from Hampton Wick to Waterloo, and taken a taxi across the river, and now they made small talk until it was time for him to leave on the 10 o’clock boat train. A few years later he recalled that after the train left and  ‘went round the bend, we saw hundreds of little white handkerchieves fluttering on the platform.’

The station in Folkestone was close to the quay. The officers were helped with their valises and within twenty minutes everyone was on board and the ship ready to set sail for Boulogne. img_0029They arrived at 2 o’clock, after ‘a very nice, smooth journey across,’ as he wrote to his mother later that day.

After arriving, he and the other East Surrey men found their way to the British Officers’ Club, where they had dinner, prior to a stroll round the town. ‘I can hardly believe I am in France,’ he wrote. ‘It seems just like a Cinematograph picture to see the gendarmes in baggy trousers walking about  and porters in blue overalls.’ But there wasn’t much time to linger:  at 5:30 that evening (as he told his father) they were due to catch another train, for their onward journey – ‘I expect to the base.’ That would be an eye-opener for him…

[Next letter: 29 September]